Central seating and rose garden area

Project Description

The park (1ha) provides a key link (800m) in the City’s Multi-use pathway system and the Trans-Canada trail.  At the same time it is a neighbourhood park for use by local residents.


The major path is standard 3.6m wide and skirts the open space and pond.


The park has an informal play field – graded and drained.  From the central “plaza” with seating parents or others can watch play in the field.  Seating is placed strategically around the park so that the park provides an “exercise circuit” for people with disabilities or aged seniors with limited mobility.


The park uses common materials of Regina parks – asphalt, concrete paving, and unit pavers.  Here, the use of pavers commemorates the former use of the site by Cindercrete Products Ltd. established in 1903 in Regina, manufacturing concrete blocks from the fly ash residue from CN steam locomotives.  The pavers serve as a visual element to tie the length of the park together.  Shrubs are five common, hardy, yet colourful species (including five rose cultivars), installed in consolidated planting beds for public enjoyment and ease of maintenance. 


The trapezoid, suggested by the overall shape of the park, is used as a recurring element.  It plays with views, truncating or elongating perspective.  Common native elm, oak, linden, and spruce, set back from a utility easement through the centre of the park, focus views toward the water. Design lifespan of the park is 200 years.  As the trees that provide the park edges age they will come to more define the park.




Urban Park, Protect and Restore Habitat, Storm water management, Sports, Wellness & Recreation, Public Space

Completed 2017

1 ha


Tell Ventures Ltd. formerly Cindercrete Products Ltd., later dedicated to City of Regina as public park


Project Manager

Firm, project with

AECOM  Canada Ltd.

Riverbend (Tell) Park, Regina, Saskatchewan

Central seating area, looking west

East path looking north toward pond

Paving detail
